
Allergy Elimination

For The Whole Family

Using Completely Natural, 

 Painless And Non-Invasive Techniques


NAET can help treat allergies to common foods such as eggs, milk, peanuts, shellfish, and other food items.

Environmental Allergies

NAET can be used to treat allergies to environmental factors like pollen, mold, dust, cigarette smoke, and pet dander.

Chemical Sensitivities

NAET addresses sensitivities to chemicals found in cleaning products, perfumes, cosmetics, and other everyday items that can cause allergic reactions.

NAET with

NAET can help manage ADHD by addressing sensitivities to various environmental and dietary factors that may contribute to symptoms.


NAET treats pet allergies, including sensitivities to dander, saliva, and fur from dogs and cats, aiming to reduce allergic reactions and improve comfort.

As a mother myself, I know that nothing matters more to us than the safety of our family and protecting their health (and our own.)
We see other families with children living normal lives. Their children can eat anything, anywhere without restraint. They can participate in regular activities and enjoy life smiling, laughing, playing with their friends without fear. It hurts so much when our kids can’t.

Hi, I'm Gal Bason

I’m a certified NAET allergy elimination and naturopathic (ND)

I’m also a mother who experienced first-hand the struggle of having a child who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at an early age.

For six and a half years we lived on edge. My son was at risk all the time, because something as minor as a flu or virus could change his blood sugar levels to the point where he would need to be hospitalized. These were devastating times for me and my husband. My life was consumed by learning and doing everything I could to improve his condition.

After it felt like I had tried everything, I discovered NAET. My son finally started to improve. Now his immune system is strong and we don’t have to live in fear.

Holistic Treatment Around the World

בעקבות הרמב"ם

Be inspired by the lasting legacy of the Rambam on your spiritual path!


Remove obstacles that are blocking the body's natural, inherent ability to heal with naturopathic medicine


An ancient Hawaiian healing and reconciliation practice that focuses on forgiveness, personal responsibility and clearing painful memories.

Bach Flowers

Is a therapy approach that uses Bach flower remedies for both people and pets.

My mission is to help you and your loved ones uncover your bodies’ sensitivities and intolerance so you can find balance and increased vitality instead of fighting symptoms using completely natural, painless and non-invasive techniques.

Your peace is my peace…

To be in the Rhythm